Should Open Early in 2013

SOMERSET, Ky. – Kentucky Blood Center breaks ground at 10:30 a.m. Friday on a new Somerset Donor Center in the Stone Gate Centre, which is at traffic light 16A. The facility will replace the current leased location at 120 S. Highway 27 and should be open in the first quarter of 2013.
Designed to blood banking specifications, the new Donor Center will provide ample room for registration, screening and donating. Space will also be allocated to back up the Lexington headquarters operations if necessary, said Somerset Donor Center Manager Sheila Mitchell.
“We are excited about this new location and anticipate that the new center’s phenomenal visibility will increase the amount of blood donated in the area,” said Mitchell, who added that there will be plenty of parking for donors, staff and KBC vehicles.
In the meantime, Somerset Donor Center will continue operating as usual. To encourage donors to give blood throughout the summer, KBC is celebrating Summer4Life, and everyone who registers to donate through Sept. 14 is eligible to win a 2012 RAV4.
The new blood center was designed by CMW Architects of Lexington and will be built by Messer Construction.
The Somerset operation, which includes the donor center and numerous mobile blood drives every day, serves the following counties: Adair, Boyle, Casey, Clay, Cumberland, Garrard, Jackson, Knox, Laurel, Leslie, Lincoln, Marion, McCreary, Pulaski, Rockcastle, Russell, Wayne and Whitley. KBC also has donor centers in Lexington and Pikeville.
To find a donation location or to schedule a donation, visit or call 800.775.2522. At this time KBC is especially in need of donors with negative blood types – A-, B-, AB- and O-.
About Kentucky Blood Center
KBC, the largest FDA regulated blood bank in Kentucky, is a non-profit organization dedicated to ensuring a safe, adequate blood supply for patients at nearly 70 Kentucky hospitals and clinics in more than 60 counties. KBC relies on volunteers to donate 400 pints of blood per day to meet area patients’ needs. Over the last year KBC distributed nearly 130,000 blood components.